People keep asking me if I’m okay. It’s nice that they care. I’m as okay as anyone would be having had their only child pass suddenly.

I’m feeling fortunate to have people who are kind enough to check in with me.
I am looking forward to Constance’s dedications at Cherry Preschool and Aspiritech on Oct. 14th. It makes me feel like Constance had a life filled with people who loved her. That’s a very comforting thought.

When I’m having a hard time, I think of all the people who loved Constance and smile. They loved her exuberance. They loved her passion. They loved the way she took joy with her wherever she went. She was such an exceptional kid. Every day that I had her in my life was a gift. Now my memories of her are an ever-present benediction. I cry because I miss her. I cry because of all she’s missing out on.
That’s beautiful. We all love you just the way you are too.
Day 184 is at