I am traveling again. In case you need to get away here are some retreats.
Retreat Directories:
Find the Divine Retreat https://www.findthedivine.com
Retreat Center Directory https://www.retreatcenterdirectory.com
Retreat Central https://www.retreatcentral.com
Retreat Finder https://www.retreatfinder.com/Directory.aspx
Retreat Guru https://retreat.guru/
Retreats Online https://www.retreatsonline.com
Seek a Retreat http://seekaretreat.com
The Retreat Company https://www.theretreatcompany.com
Grief Retreats
5 Rhythms: Grief, Loss and the Body in Motion in Big Sur, CA
Breathing Beyond Grief Intensive in Murrieta, CA
Compassionate Friends Retreat
Deep Ecology Retreat
Emotional Intelligence Through Yoga & Ayurveda: Rasa Vāda
Grief, Joy, and Awakening: An Insight Meditation Retreat in North Carolina
Iboga Healing Retreat in Ontario Canada
Journey to the Shamanic Heart of Peru
Journey to Wholeness: Embracing Joy & Grief in Times of Transition
Living Awake: Grief, Grace & Gratitude in BC, Canada
Lost Fates and Soul Mates in ROANOKE, VA
Maui Healing Retreat
Mending Heartwounds: Bringing Closure And Healing To Ungrieved, Forgotten, or Hidden Loss in Rio
Peru Sacred Valley Pilgrimage San Pedro Medicine Retreat
Spirituality and Grief: Unique Retreat in Northern California
The Art of Remembering: A JOURNEY FOR WOMEN to discover and reclaim what has been lost in Apulia, Italy
True Life Center Grief and Loss Treatment Therapy in San Diego, CA
Day 339 is posted at https://www.wantmybabyback.com/blog/day-339.