A meditation center by my former home is offering a workshop on my birthday aimed at helping attendees "communicate with their angels." I asked myself the question, "Do I believe in angels now?"
After a moment's contemplation, I realized that I do believe in angels, angels like Rhonda, Deb, Florence, Emmy, Erika, Thom & Joan, Vanessa, Meg, Alyssa, Cherisse, Rachel, Carla, and on and on and on through all of the friends that have been here for me for the last 11-months. I should communicate with them more. I should say, "Thank you! You're the best! I adore you!" They are, and I do. I'll work on that.
I adore you too! 💜
Day 355 is posted at https://www.wantmybabyback.com/blog/day-355.