I was looking for a friend’s updated address on the postmark of the grievance card they sent me. The funeral home gave me a big bag for my memorial guest book, cards, and other items. I filled it with the bereavement cards I received. Digging through the cards, I randomly opened a few.
A religiously observant friend, who has had some ongoing health issues, included a typed note. In the letter, he didn’t share his faith or his certainty. Instead, he wrote about his wishes. He hoped Constance was in a better place. He hoped she could look down on me and see how much I loved and missed her. He hoped that one day I would get to see her smiling face again. He did not know if these things were true but he hoped they were because he knew how much we loved each other.
One doesn’t write responses to bereavement letters. While I do not have the certainty of fervent faith, I would write back that I hope so too.
Day 189 is at https://www.wantmybabyback.com/blog/day-189.