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Thank You for Remembering Constance and giving to Aspiritech
Dear Friends,
Thank you for honoring the memory of Constance with a charitable donation to Aspiritech. Your gift will help them continue their mission of providing meaningful employment to individuals with an Autism Spectrum Disorder.
Constance has joined us on many visits to the Aspiritech offices beginning with the day we interviewed to volunteer at Aspiritech in 2014. Aspiritech is a welcoming place. Constance enjoyed going into their sensory room. Her exuberance for swinging on their sensory swing inspired Aspiritech’s Executive Director, Brenda Weitzberg, to buy Constance a sensory swing of her own.
This January, we attended Aspiritech’s open house celebration for their office expansion. Constance enjoyed the cupcakes so much that she yelled, “Cake party! Cake party! Cake party!” while the speakers were presenting. When I asked her to, “Shhh, please be quiet,” she said in the world’s loudest whisper, “But it’s a cake party! Cake party! Cake party!” Two board members overheard the exchange and warmly told me they welcomed Constance’s
joyful exclamations. Constance was a happy child.
We had hoped that one day Constance would grow up and join Aspiritech’s social group and perhaps even work for Aspiritech. Your generous charitable donation to Aspiritech will help provide that opportunity to another person. In this difficult time, your gift in Constance’s honor is appreciated.
Thank you again for remembering our beloved Constance.
With gratitude,
Rachelle, Constance’s Mom

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