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Thank You for Remembering Constance and giving to Cherry Preschool
Dear Friends,
Thank you for honoring the memory of Constance with a charitable donation to Cherry Preschool’s Inclusion Program. Your gift will help them continue their mission of providing children with a disability with access to a high quality preschool education.
When Constance was 18 months old I attempted to enroll her in a local community nursery school’s 2 hour, twice a week preschool program. After one day with Constance they informed me that she was not capable of learning in a preschool environment. I called all of the local preschools to ask if they took children with different needs. I worked my way all the way from Highland Park to Evanston before I found Cherry Preschool. Cherry’s Child Development/Inclusion Director Rhonda Cohen met with Constance and was confident that they could provide her with a wonderful preschool education. She was right. Bea Douma, Martha Belmonte, Reyna Rojas, and her aide Michaela Cudahy were amazing. They provided all children in their classroom with
an exceptional and inclusive education.
Years after Constance graduated from Cherry Preschool I would see Constance standing in line for a slide or interacting appropriately with another child and I would think, “thank God for Cherry Preschool.” Just as critically, Rhonda taught me how to advocate for Constance’s needs and Cherry’s inclusion moms provided me with comradery and encouragement. At this difficult time, I continue to lean on the Cherry community for support. Your donation supports that and the continued inclusion of other children like Constance. Thank you for your
Thank you again for remembering our beloved Constance.
With gratitude,
Rachelle, Constance’s Mom

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